Key Distributer SDK

The SSV Key Distributor SDK is a JS/TS library that enables developers to integrate the distribution of validator keys to KeyShares to their application.


// Yarn
yarn add
// NPM
npm install


Keystore Method (optional)

Returns a validator key from an existing Keystore file.

// Imports
import { EthereumKeyStore } from 'ssv-keys'  

// Get the private key from the keystore using the keystore password

// Get required data from the keystore file
const keyStore = new EthereumKeyStore(JSON.stringify(keystore));
// Get public key using the keystore password
  const publicKey = await keyStore.getPublicKey(keystorePassword); 
// Get private key using the keystore password
  const privateKey = await keyStore.getPrivateKey(keystorePassword); 
// Log the public key
console.debug('Public Key: ' + publicKey); 
// Log the private key
console.debug('Private Key: ' + privateKey); 

KeyShares Method

Returns KeyShares (SharesPublicKey & SharesEncrypted) from a validator key and set of operator keys.

// Build the shares

// Imports
import { Encryption, Threshold } from 'ssv-keys'
import { encode } from 'js-base64'
const operators = require('./operators.json');

// Initialize the Threshold class
  const thresholdInstance = new Threshold();
// Create the threshold instance using the private key
  const threshold = await thresholdInstance.create(privateKey); 
// Build the shares using an array of operator public keys
  let shares = new Encryption(operators, threshold.shares).encrypt(); 

// Loop through the operators RSA keys and format them as base64
  shares = => {
  share.operatorPublicKey = encode(share.operatorPublicKey); 
// Return the operator key and KeyShares (sharePublicKey & shareEncrypted)  
  return share;

Register Validator Payload Method

Returns the registerValidator() transaction payload from a validator key and set of operator keys

// Build transaction payload
// Imports
import { encode } from 'js-base64'
import { Web3 } from 'web3'
const operatorIds = require('./operatorIds.json');

// Initialize the web3 class
  const web3 = new Web3(); 
// Loop through the operators and encode them as ABI parameters
  const operatorsPublicKeys = => web3.eth.abi.encodeParameter('string', encode(operator)));
// Get all the public keys from the shares
  const sharePublicKeys = => share.publicKey);
// Get all the private keys from the shares and encode them as ABI parameters
  const shareEncrypted = => web3.eth.abi.encodeParameter('string', share.privateKey));

// Token amount (liquidation collateral and operational runway balance to be funded)
  const tokenAmount = web3.utils.toBN(123456789).toString(); /

// Return all the needed params to build a transaction payload
  return [

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